
Plasmatrix Gel
1/2 Ounce Jar $52
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This is an excellent product that comes in the form of a semi-clear gel, which can take on different opalescent colors depending on the light. It reminds us of a type of plasma. Plasma is essentially everything, and it as a producible substance and reaction, controllable and measurable, is now considered a lifeform, which is intriguing for all the many obvious reasons for that, some we can imagine and some we can't. So let's talk a bit about how it's all being presented to us.

The plasma-like gelatin, once ingested instantly goes to work in what we can feebly describe as the plasmasphere of your lightbody, or what the Egyptians called the Ka, almost like saying its aura. The way it was shown to us is that the solar system has the heliosphere, Earth has an atmosphere, a lithosphere and an ionosphere, and humans have various spheres of fields and/or energy around them. So it's like using the word "atmosphere" to include both "lithosphere" and "ionosphere," and yet they're nevertheless different layers (levels) of energetic environment.

Fair warning: As mentioned on other product pages with respect to this progression, Plasmatrix might do nothing for you if you have not yet used either or both Alkhem and/or Lumin to begin the conditioning process. It's a step-up process, and if you're not ready for it your body might flush it.

So, what I'm seeing is that the plasmasphere is the source from which the Ka draws, as it were, to continue in a type of resolving formation, even though that impression was sort of pat and poetic from a superintuitive's vision. In other words, he said, and I'm paraphrasing, "You could say that, but what is really happening is so highly complex, and there are no descriptive words, and it does have to do with intelligent fields." So I made a note that both he and I agreed upon: "With Plasmatrix the plasmasphere is something that gets in an excited state and is magnetized to help congeal its composition into the lightbody, or Ka, feeding and strengthening it, and in a sense fleshing it out."

Otherwise it is something too easily dispersed and scattered without some means of congealing, concentrating and resolving into a form that is both semi-physical yet absolutely fluid, and which can be directed (commanded) in precisely the ways the Masters throughout all time have been able to do. So this is a system to capture and congeal the necessary components to construct and begin to work with the fluid etheric body.

There is some other very interesting information that came from the precipitation of this miraculous substance. The inner ear and the pineal share the presence of calcium crystals, and the pineal and parts or areas of the sinuses share the presence of a crystal that is essentially a magnetite oxide, magnetite being the most magnetic metal there is and from which virtually all asteroids are made.

Something else we found out is that, contrary to popular belief, absolutely nothing has access to the pineal gland through any physical means, like foods or liquids or whatever. There are things out there, like tryptamines, monatomics, etc., that have access to the protective field around it, which is like its sacred chamber, its sanctum sanctorum, what the Medieval Alchemists analagously referred to as the Holy Grail or Holy Chalice. This chamber, this holographic lattice-work of protective lightenergy, is shaped differently from person to person, like a fingerprint. And it's only through sympathetic resonance of "exterior" magnetics and waveforms which the pineal can "choose" to interact with. Plasmatrix plays upon the qualities, properties, wave-shapes, and so on, of those fields. If I could describe what I see, it would be much simpler, obviously, but I can't. In any case, it's spectacular beyond belief, right out of a movie which does everything it can to present the main character's psychedelic experience in visual form.

Plasmatrix also plays upon the crystals mentioned above, for some causing an experience of truly lovely sensations in the sinuses, a gentle pressure that has its own orgasmic feel, and then shortly thereafter a hint of the Golden Nectar drip (a hormone filled with light) in the back of the throat. It has been known to increase sensitivity to and knowledge of this energetic twin of ours. It's a daily use type, but it's also to be used whenever you do the meditation on Polaris. It's made that meditation positively profound, but because of the physical and etheric magnetics it is also aligning you to Earth's pole.

Guarantee & Use

Instructions are included in your package. This one is backed by our 60 day moneyback guarantee, but we will have to factor in whether or not you'd preceded it with the right progression. In other words, it may not have worked for you because you simply weren't ready for it.