Helios Gold & Platinum


These are made from the 99.9999% pure elemental metals in a process quite different than that to make many of the other products here, especially the White Powder Gold. These would be roughly the equivalent of Lumin, or maybe Innerphaz, under the Progression line, but have much greater latitude for adjusting themselves and can therefore be on a higher level if needed, or a lower level if needed. In other words, if someone weren't ready for Innerphaz, almost anyone could start with these two.




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You could say that the gold and platinum, being a sort of tandem first step at The Superbeings, are to set the tone, establish a foundation, and begin increasing the body's frequencies and qualities of energies, of which there are many. Many continue using these as a nutritional supplement on an ongoing basis. These also start peeling back the karmic layers and get in there to start dislodging and releasing all that old toxic stuff...in fact, all these alchemies bring about the release of everything that is no longer needed.

These will get the DNA started towards age reversal, as many users can attest, strengthening the body, expanding consciousnesses, increasing reflexes and balance, and opening more acute situational awareness, and higher, or expanded, awareness potential. Both of these sequester unspent energy into an internal store, and which can be drawn from on demand, sort of like recycling, and when that store is empty, they utilize energetic sources surrounding the body, and from within, to supply energy-on-demand for any taxing mental or physical task.

For gold specifically, the health benefits in various subtle forms is an eye-opening list, no doubt. Gold is often referred to as the "condensed rays of the Sun," but it's also true that each of the elements we work with correspond with a ray, or specific solar light spectrum, even if that spectral type is not detectable with any type of modern equipment. Gold, even just the metal, has a wonderful balancing and calming effect. It's at the center of it all, like a nucleus, and in some ways could be said to be the King of the other metals, but it's more like a sibling-ship. Where the Sun is concerned, gold is the black hole at the core, and gold ultimately is the overseer of this entire phased process and its individual elements.

The Platinum Ray, which we have very effectively embodied into this liquid form, is hugely regenerative at the cellular level for anything that uses air. It's universally known, throughout Creation, for this capacity and is used on many worlds and even nonphysical realms just for that. This regenerative capability begins, of course, on subtle levels of being, especially in what is called the lightbody ("lightself" is a far more accurate term). All of these are sources of energy for the lightself, but not all, for example, are as thoroughly regenerative as platinum.

The Platinum Ray itself is increasing in popularity as a New Age buzzconcept, and is searchable, and many results will come up. It's something of an insulator, creating a field around the body that toxic energies would find difficult to penetrate. It's also involved in processing Sunlight as a nutrient, and makes the skin more resistant to burning (yes, you will get a deeper darker tan!).

Platinum, a very shiny metal, works like gold in bringing a shining and confident you to the surface, and also builds an inner strength that equates to your recognition of that true inner beauty. In the same way that a star, like our Sun, has nuclear fuel that is constantly burning from a source within, platinum tends to create this expansive reaction within you, giving you an exuberance, an inner thrill, an energy, that you might not have felt since being a child. Gold and platinum like each other a lot, and potentiate each other in the alchemy of the body in ways that we could be years in understanding. For this reason they can be used together.

These two are each in 2 ounce atomizer spray bottles.