Our Cosmosis Line
Authentic White Powder Gold


If you're here only to get pure and authentic white powder from pure gold, just skip the text and get about your business (grin) below! On this page you'll find alchemical products having to do with white powder gold. Origin and Devas are made from 99.999% pure gold, and not from a natural source. This page goes into detail on our objective to raise a group of people to an extremely high level. It isn't necessary that you join with us in that endeavor, but it's also true that the products on this page will in fact raise you to a very high level.

I discuss this in the context of a group, because we have a social network of high level people who accomplish powerful things together as a group. If you'd like to look into that: The Superbeings. All of this is being done under the auspices of what I call The Establishment, which are people (in new age parlance, beings) on levels not visible in 3D terms: 4th, 5th, 6th, and even 7th density (the word "density" is more correctly used in place of "dimension"). The Establishment includes galactic managers, specialists, designers, scientist-alchemists, what some might call Ascended Masters, and so on, and in the end, we're just the 3D physical versions of them, in many cases.

Let's start with the name of this alchemical line: Cosmosis. Osmosis in its secondary meaning is the process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, or what I would call gnosis. This is a very advanced line of alchemical outputs I made under the tutelage of Merlin, and his teacher, who've been on the scene teaching me since 2015 (that I know of - they may have been with me for all of the 20 years I've been doing this). The C in Cosmosis was added because the information available to the user is on the level of the cosmos, and much of it esoteric. You don't have to learn this information: you just have to let it blossom from within your own DNA, which is what this line of alchemy is for.

Although it isn't absolutely critical, maximal cellular absorption of all of these substances helps to unlock the potentials we discuss in the product descriptions. To increase cellular absorption, we need to decrease the surface tension of water molecules, which in turn decreases the surface tension of the water of the cell membrane. This in turn increases hydrogen absorption and thus hydration. The more absorption these substances enjoy in your body, the less required, and the more the photonic flow and communicative functions between cells, atoms, DNA, etc.

Therefore, we also recommend you acquire Cell Power by Positive Power Nutrition and Patrick Flanagan's Crystal Energy, if you're not already using them. Just do a search for them and choose the retailer you prefer. We plan to carry these products soon.

We do make a product you can read about and acquire below, which is also right on the border of crucial for optimal effect with these super alchemies. It's called Purazyme, which surrounds, isolates and removes from the body all pollutants, heavy metals, parasites, fungi, and so on. In doing that, we clear up "space" for the alchemical products. We are all far more poisoned than we think, and they're incredibly difficult to get rid of. You can read more about those complex topics at these links:

The Great Purge
Heavy Metals Poisoning
Cadmium, Programmed Disease, Deliberate Densification

If you do everything we recommend, you could reach a surprising degree of well-being, super high-vibe, clear of all densities and other limiting programs, and in touch with spheres of being and knowledge you never thought possible. It can take time, but time is in plentiful supply when you know how to manipulate it (or disacknowledge it altogether)!

1 Oz Liquid - $63
White Powder from 99.9999% pure gold in pure water
Dry Powder is Below

White Powder - Etherically Higher
Excluded from Package Deal
Choose Your Weight

Pink Powder - A Bigger 3D Punch
Excluded from Package Deal
Choose Your Weight

ORIGIN - this is the white powder gold. It's made from 99.999% gold and nothing else, and is a super-fine, very white, very light powder. If you'd like to read some of the backstory for all this, go here. There is something inherently primal about the properties of gold on a cosmic level. This is why it chose to name itself "Origin." What I've found most fascinating in what I've learned while learning to make this, and actually making it, is that some way or another white powder gold and proto-DNA are somehow intexricably intertwined, and it might be unique to human DNA, and I don't mean just Earth human, since there are humans all over the cosmos.

Possibly the most outstanding aspect of Origin is its capacity to unlock properties in the 3D body that are known by almost no one, ourselves included. Obviously, it's encoded at the bases, DNA. I think we'll be rediscovering what this stuff can do for years to come. Because of its action on DNA and especially cells, it CAN be a universal panacea, just as the legends have always asserted. It CAN be an age reverser, for the fantastic increase in the “light within photons” nourishing and energizing the cells. Within everything, there is another light…a most essential light, and it’s also within light, or photons. It CAN replace the need for food…at least eventually, and not even necessarily. It CAN open one’s entire body to being a perceptual organ. In other words, it CAN awaken the body-mind to engage in the multi-density act of perceiving and understanding. Another way to say this is, it CAN make you more psychic, possibly way more psychic, but more in a way that you are a subtle information sponge soaking up information with the all of you as you move through this energetic substrate. I know this because it’s happening to me, and it’s not clairvoyance or clairaudience…it’s knowing (which again refers to Cosmosis). Clairvoyance and clairaudience are about receiving information, while knowing is about being the information.

The liquid contains plenty of the white powder gold. There are some who believe it isn't supposed to be soluble in water. In the old days, such conjectures became gospel in the ormus and modern alchemy communities. It's not true. Some of it dissolves, some of it doesn't. It turns the water into an iridescent liquid we can't even describe. It's just amazing.

If you order the dry powder form, please understand the difficulty I face in making this marvelous stuff. At $360 a gram, it's still a bargain, and a gram would last more than 6 months used at the dose I use, for instance. In ordering the dry powder form, it could be as long as 3 weeks in shipping it.

A few sprays into the mouth, and however else you'd like to use it, is enough, but use your intuition. This stuff challenges you to further develop that faculty.

2 Oz Spray Bottle $45

DEVAS - this one "falls out" of the process of making Origin, but it is still very powerful stuff. The reason we're able to offer it at a lower price is simply because so much more of it occurs in the making of the powder itself, which is hard, and tricky, to make and get any quantities more than a few grams at a time. Spray this anywhere, especially outside in nature, and nature spirits will rush to you and fill the space, ready for command. The fact is, even indoors, they'll rush to your command. I use words like "command" because in our workshops we're reminding participants of the relationship between "command" and "mastery," especially of the forces of nature. It's also superb for clearing, energizing and blessing any space, and it does it instantly. Nothing of any unwanted density can tolerate its frequency. Sprayed over the head and shoulders, it will cleanse, purify, and energize your fields, powering up the aura. It's also excellent in bath water, or a hot spring pool. It's water and the subtler elements of the white powder gold, not quite as powerful, but with this quantity much can be done with it.

Spray a few pumps over the head and shoulders, a few in the mouth, a few on your neck and chest. You'll like it. For any space, just walk through and spray a few pumps in each room. If outside somewhere and wanting to call forth nature spirits, just a few pumps while invoking with your favorite method and words.

1 Oz Bottle $45

SAHAS - Sahas is short for Sahasrara, the Sanskrit word for crown chakra. This one operates on everything to do with the crown chakra: opening, balancing, its energetics, its interactivity with other chakras, and probably most importantly, the level, quality and quantity of informational flow, information that would otherwise be unavailable without this particular alchemy and Origin. This is surprisingly powerful alchemy, at least when I use it. For me, about a half-hour after use, is when I can physically feel the crown open and tingling. It's made from a very pure mineral source hidden in a Utah desert. It was shown to me by a very high-level (in world-government circles) scientist-alchemist, who told me things about what the secret government knows about "monatomics" in natural sources - stories that would be good around a fire. I've employed this source for years, but when the white powder gold came along, I was shown a different alchemical method to get to it, separate and concentrate it. In past analyses of the source material, its main yields are gold, selenium, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium.

With a more open crown, the more energy flow, and you'll feel that. You'll feel lighter, and you'll also notice that certain information is either instantly available, or you know it's there and ready for assimilation and use.

Use 3-15 drops, or as directed by your own guidance. A half-dropper is what I use.