Monoatomic Rhodium - This is nothing but pure structured water and rhodium. It's alchemically made from 99.999% pure rhodium in a process quite different than those to make any of the other products here, except for Helios Iridium, Ruthenium and Osmium. The rhodium has been alchemically modified to be in nanoparticle crystalline form, in what is technically referred to as a monodisperse suspension. It's advanced stuff, but can be used by pretty much everyone who is on a spiritual path. While the process to make it isn't very complex (other than knowing the best times of day and planetary positions!), but is very time-consuming. It's therefore available in half-ounce bottles. It doesn't need to be used every day, by any means, and so the half-ounce should last 1-2 months. It is now known that between 5% and 10% of the matter composing the brain is rhodium and iridium in forms equivalent to what we have here. In addition, quantities of it are found in spinal fluid, and in the spine we have what the Hindus and Buddhists call the Nadis, which are channels of energy. More on that below.
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Monoatomic rhodium was one of the first really powerful alchemies I'd ever used, made by a process used by the Essenes in ancient Judah. It just wants people to get out in the Sun. Both it and Helios Iridium interact with vitamin D in ways modern nutritional science doesn't know about, and together they do whatever needs to be done in their tandem capacity. Rhodium is another element in these subtle forms that has high level research behind it, but which is largely unpublished.
Edible rhodium is found in many plants, one of the most important of which being aloe vera. It is now known that between 5% and 10% of the matter composing the brain is rhodium and iridium in forms equivalent to what we have here. In addition, quantities of it are found in spinal fluid, and in the spine we have what the Hindus and Buddhists call the Nadis, which are channels of energy.
Ida is the upflowing channel, and Pingala is the downflowing channel. In the Western alchemical tradition these are depicted on the caduceus, which in the esoteric sense shows wings being symbolic of flying psychically through realms made possible by alchemical progressions. There is an indention at the top of the caduceus staff (or rod), between the wings, with often a sphere (or other shape) within it. This is again a reference to the Holy Grail shape with the pineal as the stone, or sphere. Rhodium is the downflow channel, and is therefore very grounding, anchoring, and even more importantly, centering. Iridium is the upflowing channel, and if one were to reach a non-gravitational state, or levitation, it would be because rhodium and iridium have reached optimal coherence in these channels and combined their properties into the neutral Sushumna Nadi channel. This centering/grounding property is also why the absolutely untamed Helios Osmium had to be tempered with it.
In Egypt, we used rhodium and iridium in our bodies to collect and optimize X class and even gamma radiation to create the necessary fields and internal energy to basically disappear in a flash of light. We would return, yes, but we would also use other elements to set the pathways of where we would astrally go. Piles of white powder were found in an Egyptian mountain temple near Serabit El Khadim, with all kinds of alchemical iconography and gear, such as a metallurgical crucible.
What's confused so-called mainstream pundits ever since the discovery is why was a crucible found in a religious temple? It's simple. Our religion in Egypt was alchemy. What we find stunning is that as popular as Egypt is in New Age Thought, how could so few people be aware of its most important aspect by far - alchemy? Rhodium is also a super brain food, honing synaptic firings and nicely tonifying our grey matter. In that respect, you can find great mental clarity, power and even strength in using it. Because of its anchoring effect, it also avails you of the use of Earth energies, which blend with the various field resonances such as the Schumann Resonance, and the magnetic fields and energies created by the Earth-Sun interaction, what are known as X-sports, which are confluences of electromagnetic energy connecting Earth to Sun, creating vortices in the ionosphere.